Healthy Physical Habits Begin in the Preschool Years – TekyGo! | Children's Learning and Gaming Console
Healthy Physical Habits Begin in the Preschool Years

Healthy Physical Habits Begin in the Preschool Years

Healthy Physical Habits Begin in the Preschool Years

Why is TekyGo! the fastest growing product among millennial parents? Because it incorporates exercise, learning and gameplay all in one.

A recent University of Cambridge study It was found that physical activity habits must be established during the preschool years and that children need at least one hour of moderate to vigorous activity during cold winter months.

In that same University of Cambridge[i], study, researchers found that physical activity was lower in autumn and winter compared to spring, while children were most active during the summer. This Is to be expected but what was most interesting was that boys’ activity level changed more than girls throughout the year, but remained higher than girls at all times. On average, boys achieved the minimum activity even in winter, girls only tended to reach recommended levels during the summer[ii].

Another factor that is important is the relationship between parent’s level of physical activity and their children’s level of physical activity. The analysis by Statistics Canada[iii] suggests that there is a correlation between these two levels. Basically, the better the cardiorespiratory fitness of the parents, the better the cardiorespiratory fitness of the children. 

The challenge for us parents is, to be active with the children outside, and then encourage more physical activity inside. Instead of just watching tv or playing video games, we can utilize TekyGo! games to keep children active even indoors. It’s a great way to learn, have fun and exercise, and to ensure that children stay active during the bitter cold months of winter both outdoors and indoors.  

Of course, a combination of indoor and outdoor activity is always best. Spending an hour outside playing and then even more physical activity while indoors is great for children. The more the better!


So, let’s get playing so children can move and learn! 3,2,1, TekyGO!



[i] "Children aren't active enough in winter, say Cambridge researchers." Biotech Business Week, 7 Mar. 2016, p. 52. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 29 Sept. 2021.

[ii] "Children aren't active enough in winter, say Cambridge researchers." Biotech Business Week, 7 Mar. 2016, p. 52. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 29 Sept. 2021.

[iii] "Studies from Statistics Canada Reveal New Findings on Health and Medicine (Do Fit Kids Have Fit Parents?)." Health & Medicine Week, 12 Mar. 2021, p. 6603. Gale Academic OneFile, Accessed 29 Sept. 2021.

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